Please keep these companies in mind when you need the services they provide.
And let them know you are a member or supporter of the Wright City Jr Wildcats as well.
View all of our sponsors.
690 N Service Rd West Wright City, MO 63390 |
636-745-2888 | || | || |
28100 Heartland Dr Wright City, MO 63390 |
402-880-7332 | || | || |
2024-2025 Fundraising GoalThe club is targeting buying a full-size competition and practice mat and some much-needed supplementary wrestling and exercise equipment. We estimate we will need to raise $15,000 so that we can acquire these items and offer the safest and best developmental environment for the youth wrestlers in this area. The club is launching several additional fundraising ventures this year to work towards this $15,000 goal and will need club and community support in these events as well as receiving donations from our past loyal sponsors as well as new sponsors. The Wright City Jr Wildcats are a Missouri Nonprofit Corporation that has been granted a determination letter to be a certified 501(c)(3) not-for-profit having official tax-exempt status with the IRS. Any contribution IS considered tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. If you are interested in being a sponsor please fill out this paper form and send in your check or pay electronically here. |